The biology course is divided into three sections, with each encompassing the relevant practical skills.
Component 1: Foundations in Biology
This includes topics such as cell structure, biological molecules, nucleotides and nucleic acids, enzymes, biological membranes, cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation.
Component 2: Exchange and transport
This includes topics such as exchange surfaces, transport in animals, transport in plants.
Component 3: Biodiversity, evolution and disease
This includes communicable diseases, disease, prevention and the immune system, biodiversity, classification and evolution.
Year 13 includes learning additional topics such as cellular control, patterns of inheritance, manipulating genomes, cloning and biotechnology, ecosystems, populations and sustainability.
Biology can be combined with any other subjects but goes particularly well with chemistry.
100% exam
Sixth Form entry requirements and a grade 5 or above in GCSE mathematics, grade 5 or above in all three separate sciences or grade 6 in science trilogy.
Biology is the basis for a wide range of degree level subject including traditional biological topics, medicine, dentistry, midwifery, physiotherapy, sports science and environmental science.