Business Studies

You will begin by investigating small businesses, markets and competition, other forms of business and the role of the public sector. Following this, the four main business functions are considered in detail: marketing, people, finance and operations management. You will then learn the handling and manipulating of business data as well as the problem-solving techniques and tools such as forecasting, decision trees and investment appraisal. These topics will naturally include the use and development of numeracy skills. Lastly, you will learn the external environment of business and the international dimension. These topics will introduce more complex issues and develop your ability to develop arguments and offer balanced evaluations.


100% Examination (Three papers with equal weighting, marks and examination time)


Sixth Form entry requirements.


Where can it lead?

Possible career choices with A-level Business include management, marketing, finance, accounting, banking, retailing, manufacturing and local government. Many universities will accept Business as an A-level when applying for courses such as economics, business studies and many other options.