
Students will learn about various aspects of human behaviour and conditions and how to apply scientific methods to both analyse and explain these behaviours.

A Level Psychology involves a range of valuable skills, including critical analysis, independent thinking and research. These skills are developed through the following topics:

Social Influence, memory, attachment, psychopathy, approaches in psychology, biopsychology. Research methods and issues and debates in psychology.

There will also be three further units which may include topics such as gender, stress and psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.

Information about the course content is coming soon.


100% Examination (Three papers with equal weighting, marks and examination time of two hours).

Overall, at least 10% of the marks in assessments for psychology will require the use of mathematical skills which will be at least the standard of higher tier GCSE mathematics.


Sixth Form entry requirements.

Where can it lead?

Psychology can be taken as a single degree or combines well with a number of other subjects at college or university. It complements maths and science subjects as well as humanities and English.

There are lots of careers available in Psychology, in areas such as Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Sport Psychology and/or research based employment. Since Psychology is also concerned with human behaviour, it also lends itself to a number of careers outside of Psychology itself for example social care, police and education.