Physical Education

In Year 12, you will examine the physical factors (30% of final grade) and psychological issues (20% of final grade) affecting performance in physical activity. The unit Physical Factors looks at how the body’s systems react to change in diet and exercise as well as more physics-based angles of forces/motion and how we can use them to our advantage. The unit on psychological factors looks at tried and tested models and theories which can affect performance through training and feedback.

In Year 13, you will study the socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport (20% of final grade). This is where you examine sport as a microcosm of society as well as global events (such as Olympic Games and World Cups) and the many contemporary issues in sport, such as PEDs, modern technological influences and commercialisation etc

Throughout both years, your physical skill, use of tactics and coaching prowess will be honed through the NEA practical section of the course: Performance in Physical Activity and Sport (30% of final grade). All A Level PE students would be expected to be regularly participating in at least one sport.


70% examination / 30% practical coursework


Sixth Form entry requirements and regular participation in a sport at club level outside of school.

Where can it lead?

Many students go on to study PE at university, either on the scientific (Sport Science, Sport Psychology) or contemporary issues (Sport Studies) direction. Other popular choices include physiotherapy and physical education (B.Ed).